So today at work, Kristy Mikel (who has a hilarious post about a freakish accident on her blog) and I had some lamination to cut out. I grabbed my scissors, some lamination and sat on the couch. Just then I heard & felt the strangest thing, a ripping noise. I gasped and had a look of horror on my face.
Hearing this, Kristy stopped what she was doing turned to me and said in confusion and worry, "What was that, did the couch break?"
My response, still in shock, "No my pants did!"
"What? How?" said Kristy
"I just sat down and then rip." At that very moment a reminiscing of just a few minutes earlier...more tearing.
I decided to just remain on the couch until everything was cut out. BAD IDEA! By the end of the time, the whole ripped all the way up to my belt loop.
Needless to say, we've been laughing about this. Join us, here are some classic pics.
What I wore for a bit until I went to this:
Look at this hole...It's huge!
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