Sunday, October 25, 2015

Adoption Thoughts

What are my thoughts on Adoption?
Oh there are so many, but here are a few.

1.  I love it. 
It is so beautiful and is a constant reminder that we are ALL adopted by the King. (“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.””  Romans 8:15 NLT)

2.  It is so stinkin' hard
I love my two adopted miracles and am so thankful God choose to bring our paths together.  Parenting kids is hard no matter what! Be it biological, adopted, foster care, parenting as a grandparent, whatever it is, IT IS HARD!

A child from a "hard background/hard places" (adoption lingo simply meaning a child who has experienced loss or trauma) has a whole new set of circumstances to walk thru. 

When we first adopted my thoughts were like many people's, "well once the child is adopted, he/she will be fine. Sure he/she will have normal kid stuff to deal with, but when it comes to hurt, it will be minimal. Especially if that child was adopted as a baby."

(Insert loud annoying buzzer sound) FALSE!!! These kids have experienced loss and pain. They will often react out of that pain. When a kid acts out, it's hard to know if the child is being a kid or reacting out of their pain or a combination of both. 

3.  Adoption isn't for everyone. 
We are all called to look after the orphan and widow (“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.”  Isaiah 1:17 NLT).  But that doesn't mean everyone should adopt. Much like I am not called to work as a chef (thank God! I hate cooking), not everyone is called to adoption. 

Don't think you aren't doing enough on behalf of the orphan crisis because you are not adopting a child. That's a lie!  Pray for the children. Pray for the families who God has called to adoption. Walk alongside them. Look at them as normal people. Support organizations who work directly with the orphan, like Compassion, Holt International, AGC Baby Centre in Kenya. 

I feel so honored God has called our family in this capacity. How is He calling you? 

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